Values: Facturación veloz y fácil de usar en tu Mac.
Novedades version 1.3: Resueltos problemas de estabilidad.

Values: el instrumento PRO para crear facturas, recibos, presupuestos y otros documentos de trabajo.

Values es tu instrumento profesional fácil de usar, crea facturas/recibos/notas con tu Mac en una manera formidable y rápida. Con modelos completamente personalizables y una base de datos de voces y clientes automatizada, ideal para pequeños negocios, profesionales y empresas.
Values es también un software potente y fácil de usar para crear presupuestos/cómputos/certificados, con soporte multo-pagina y cabecera automática en cada pagina.

Imaginese un estudio profesional que tiene que facturar su trabajo, muy seguido pasa que el producto/servicio ofrecido sea el mismo (o similar) a uno facturado en otra factura/presupuesto y es aquí que la base de datos de Values entra en acción.

• Fully customizable layouts and built-in text editor:
Values joins together the fast and powerful workflow of a table-based editor and the flexibility and beauty of a rich-text editor. Your custom layout may have embedded graphics and colors, our table-based input with AutoDB will surprise you with its simple and fast interface. You can also make fast tweaks to the layout and text in text-editor mode, with breakthrough flexibility.

• Import your own logo:
With Values you can add your custom logo to the header of your document, ideal for business and professionals.

• Automatic calculations:
Values automatically calculates quantities, totals, discounts, taxes and more. Values does all this for you so you wont need to enter the complex spreadsheet world and keep the elegance and ease of use of our simple built-in text-editor.

• Documents library:
Your documents will be saved automatically into Values document library, this way you wont lose important files and enhance privacy and security of your important business documents.

• AutoDB:
With AutoDB you will have a categorized auto-generated database with a multi-core autocompletion engine. This database will be available on all your documents so you wont ever type the same thing again.

• TeamShare:
You wont ever again suffer the pain of a "files and folders" document management. With Values your docs library can be shared creating your own, private cloud-based document sharing service letting your team link to the library from their Mac on a seamless share of documents.

• RTF editable export and PDF:
If you need to export your documents (for further editing on your favorite text-editor or just for sharing) you can export in RTF or save a PDF from the print panel.